Monday 27 September 2010

Castrol (Nine) GTX

I bought myself a prezzie for my birthday (which is on Wednesday). But took it to France to read. I now want orks. And Elysians. I'm back at work now and the feeling of "I need killa kanz" is subsiding.

The book lacks a little of the depth of the Vraks Trilogy (well, it would, wouldn't it ? A question of scale, rather than a lack of ambition/material. I'd love to see what they culled to fit the page count. Oh well. Volume Nine at Christmas...

Sunday 5 September 2010

Work gets in the way.

This is a picture of the Combined Heat and Power station that Eon are biulding on the Isle of Grain. Quite handy as I was able to visit John (of JTS fame) Lamshead.

That was about two or three months ago. I'm currently on COMAH (control of major accidents and hazards [big gas sites, oil rigs, Buncefield - places like that]) site just north of Crewe. So no mobile phones on site, which is a hinderance when trying to find a different job. And long hours and all week away from home. Unlike last time, I'm being moved from hotel to hotel on a weekly basis, so there's no regular two hours a night for 40K and also this time, no bonus payment either.

Not a happy bunny.

But the wargames factory greatcoated storm troopers finally arrived. I've made two squads (with cadian arms, Pig Iron kolony militia heads and DKK backpacks) and used the auto gun arms for the remainder of the Bloodcoats. The shotgun arms are going on the Devos IV 1st (SF) Regt squads quite nicely, although I'm having trouble getting the Meltaguns to fit nicely.

And I've broken my airbrush. I'm getting my hobby fix vicariously through all the other blogs at the moment. But I have the dubious pleasure of yet another birthday soon, so for the fourth year running, I've treated myself to a FW tome. Looking forward to getting that.

And looking forward to getting some more scenery done by mid October as well.