Friday 18 February 2011

22 Armd Regt, ASL.

Base colours, detail colours, decals, oil wash and a modicum of rusting.

The sentinals are just base colours and decals so far (running out of non-odourous turps subsitute)

Like the Cadian Wolverine tank hunters, these will get chips and dings before being varnished.

Friday 4 February 2011

79 Armd Regt, Devos IV PDF

79 Regt's LRMBTs. Base colours, decals, oil washes & rusting.

Like all the other things posted up, still awaiting dings and chips. Unlike the others, these will get a lot more rust.

Their 'blade. With its first bits of rust (Mig "ordinary rust" - it's brilliant). More work to do on the blade than the other armour, if only 'cos being bigger, it draws attention.