Tuesday 26 October 2021

Agents of the Inquisition 15 - Small but beautifully formed.

Inquisitor Hexen has a raft of health issues.  A bionic right arm, Crohn's disease and various cancers.  All of which lead him to behave in a rash and some might say, unpredictable manner.  He is a gamma level psyker, which sometimes helps, but equally, sometimes gets him into more bother.  He has a long time pilot retainer, who is enhanced to help her piloting abilities and is supportive and insightful in his decision making process.  The servo skull, somewhat narcissistically, is to record his deeds, not as reconnaissance device.

His quartet of Loups Garous are all top tier operatives personally selected by Hexen from grenadier, kasarkin and scion type units.  Hexen uses his contacts to ensure that where ever possible, they enter a situation with tailored ammunition designed to take down their principal target.  

They have names, but Inquisitor Hexen finds it amusing to refer to them as Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private.  No one knows why and the Loup Garous just accept it as an inquisitorial foible.  Incidently his own right arm was the victim of a previous plasma pistol misfire.  Obviously the inquisitor believes that the firepower is worth the risk.

Hexen was painted by PVP and the Loups Garous by Mr Lee. 

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Agents of the Inquisition 14 - Inquisitor

Inquisitor Torrag of the Ordos Hereticus.  A man of great faith, what we see here is his warband arrayed for an actual war.  He's in Terminator armour.
And he's backed up by four crusaders and two 'moody hammers' who've grown themselves to Ogryn size.
These guys are heavily tattooed after the manner of their clan.  Considering the amount of work they have had done, fibre bundle muscles, enhanced reflexes and so on it is certain that this includes a certain of amount of sub dermal armour as well as stim glands to enable them to shrug off damage.
All of these figures were painted by Jeff at PVP
The four crusaders are a homogenous bunch all from the same population, all armed with power weapons and storm shields.  It has taken the Inquisitor a number of years to train and persuade these men from a relatively low tech warrior culture to exhibit some degree of prudence and tactical acumen.  From the sixteen he started with, the four who are left are capable and careful, right up to the point the first blow is struck.
There is no wanting of zeal here.  There is a lot of faith here. Four practised warriors with power weapons, carapace armour, storm shields and an inquisitorial mandate, backed up by the two moody hammers give their master a huge punch in toe to toe encounters. 

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Agents of the Inquisition 13 - Legitimate Law Enforcement

This is Inquisitor Readsel, who along with his core team has already been detailed here.  His paint was done by PVP https://piratevikingpainting.blogspot.com/2014/07/inquisitor-dredd.html  Of all of the Inquisitors who serve the Conclave of Dinterra Minor, he is the one who will take the time to get the best use out of local resources. 


And in order to further his purposes on Devos IV he's more of less tied the Inquisitorial SWAT team to his retinue.  They have already been detailed here.  Their paint was also done by PVP https://piratevikingpainting.blogspot.com/2014/03/whatcha-gonna-do-when-they-come-for-you.html


These are the local Arbities, shields, shotguns and shock batons.  And a poor sense of humour and a readiness to move to direct action sooner rather than later.


And they ride around in this.  Because what sends a better message to the proletariat than their police having an actual tank called a "Repressor".  But of course these things are valuable resource and not the usual sort of thing people see unless they are really unlucky.  The paint here was by Golem.


And here are three Police Cruisers.  These do protect and serve, but let's not forget that they protect and serve the Imperium of Man, not the people who live in it.  Expecting trouble, when the call comes from the Inquisition, they fill the Cruisers with flatfoots.  The paint on the police cars and policemen was by Golem.

Tuesday 5 October 2021

Agents of the Inquisition 12 - Ground car interceptors

Of course, people do try and run from the Inquisition.  Whatever madness overtakes them, sometimes people just make bad decisions when they are under pressure.  Regardless of the motivation of any runners, there is of course, a requirement for those people to be run to ground.


One of the tools reserved for this are a selection of various ground cars, small boats, skimmers (Landspeeders of all variants).  All high performance models, modified and maintained by tech priests of the Omnissiah who serve, for however long, the Inquisition.  They have brought two ground cars with them to Devos IV.  There are probably Landspeeders still on the Corinthian Summer (still in orbit).  These take longer to prepare for operations than simpler machines.


There are two Interrogators who are trained and skilled at driving these things in pursuit situations. Whilst they have a second 'jump' seat, these are not usually used; despite the second seat these are really solo machines.

These were painted by PVP: https://piratevikingpainting.blogspot.com/2016/07/batmobiles-40k-style.html

The models are by wargames exclusive.