Friday 21 June 2024

Amarillo Pattern LeMan Russ

As shown a couple of posts ago.
This is the same two tanks with their basecoat on.
With a unified colour on the model, they look more homogenous. 
I'm liking this look, these are turning out as imagined.


Saturday 15 June 2024

Tiny Leg Ends DKK sappers

You'll recall me mentioning that Tiny Legends also produced a DKK Engineer kit.  This is half of the kit put on to Anvil bodies.
All of the comments and observations I made about the Grenadier kit hold true here as well. 
This guy is digging with his entrenching tool. There are other possible arms with axes and picks and hands with shovels. 
Having said all of that, there are weapon options and I've of course chosen the revolver action shotgun. 
There's plenty of actual engineer kit as well. 
And these Anvil bodies, "Gorka Suit Bodies" have the knee pads and plenty of belt kit.  It may not come out in the picts, but the PLCE has stabilisation straps as well.  Excellent work, Anvil, beautifully done.
And the match between the kit and the bodies is great.

 Five more to do

Friday 7 June 2024

Amarillo Pattern LeMan Russ varients

Comptroller Bellormus' standard indents into Departmento Munitorium supply lines have secured some armour which was already earmarked for the DKK.
These are LeMan Russ varients supplied by a Styrgies VII statalite forge.  The Amarillo statalite forge is renowned for the high quality of it's products, however, the forgemaster suffers from ill health so productivity is sometimes not what it could be.
These have Styrgies VII equivalents to Mars Alpha hulls.  These bigger engines and generator units enable the further modifications which allow varient weapon loads without sacrificing mobility. 
The Amarillo pattern turrets have a large bustle which, in the vehicles supplied to Devos IV, either capacitor/battery banks for the Anhilator las cannons or ammunition storage for the Predator cannon.
The varients supplied to Devos IV are Predators with Heavy Bolter sponsons and hull mounted Heavy Bolter. 
And the Anhilators with hull and sponson mounted las cannons.  The unusual, increased capacity allowed by the larger hull and turret.

Another two of each to build !

Sunday 2 June 2024

Book Reviews 'n'such

This was generously loaned to me by Admiral Drax, when I saw him last in the flesh.  It's two soft cover volumes in a slip case with interviews with some of the key people from the early years of GW, starting in Sunbeam Road.  A lot of it seems to be almost the transcripts of podcast episodes, but I might have been imagining things.
The interviewers are two of the protagonists of the time anyway, so it really is a whole load of old people trying to remember things together (I have a lot of sympathy with that) and some interesting anecdotes of where some of the more interesting ideas ("Mad Shit") might have come from.  I'm not going to buy my own copy, but it's well worth sticking your nose in if you come across it on a friends coffee table.
Dave Taylor did a book called Armies, Legions and Hordes which is absolutely fab.  Love that book.  It's success obviously got his over creative mind bubbling away again and to prevent his pot boiling over, he came up with another jolly wheeze - get artists he likes to layout some content in a coherent manner and he'll publish the books.
Now, to be fair, the people he's spoken to are all top notch artists.  And the books are produced in batches of three (why not ?) and done through Kickstarter.  So if you sign on, you can get your set in a slipcase.
The backs of the three slipcases for the first nine books/artists are here, if you want you can click the pick (thanks Inso) and it'll give you a flavour of what's inside.  Some of them I've looked at once, some of them I keep going back to.  And then I drift off and want to give up work and just finish Devos IV and stuff. 
The front cover.  These are possibly not the most affordable thing ever.  And I'd hate to recommend one just in case someone bought it and then didn't like it.  But there's a fourth one coming (volumes 10 to 12) and yeah, seeing who is featured, I'm in again.  I can stop any time I like though.
Just 'effin' stop Dave, you're killing me.
This is also a KS related book, Carbon Grey.  It's an Alt History of a very early twentieth centuary Europe.  They did a whole game system with minis and everything.  There's possibly copies of the game stuff and the fluff stuff on ebay or Noble Knight Games now, as it's a couple of years old.

 I found it quite entertaining in it's own right.  The layout, storyboarding and so on match the pacing and narrarive well enough.  There are little bits I can pinch and slide into my games background, which is what I got it for.  

I hope that someone out there found this interesting.  Back to minis next time.