Tuesday 17 August 2021

Agents of the Inquistition 10

Survivors of a Dark Eldar reaping, these ladies were infants when their community was ravaged.  Their brothers were committed to Scholam which fed recruits directly into the Departmento Munitorium, for induction into the Imperial Guard; occasionally, depending on need and the individual, into the Commissariat or the Storm Troopers of the Hykerion Rangers.
Dissatisfied with their pre-ordained futures as veterinary assistants, they left en-masse to find a future which allowed some pay back to a hostile galaxy.
They managed to find somewhere where the submachinegun was taught as a martial art.  They all managed to achieve mastery of the firearm.  In the years since, some of them have also become proficient in other weapons.

They have managed to find themselves uniforms and elected leaders from amongst their number.
As a formed body, they've presented themselves to the Ordo Xenos as a tool to be used, a weapon to protect humanity, to take the fight to the Xenos.
They have been sent to Devos IV with the Holy Ordos mission.  There may be Eldar. 


  1. ooh! Where are those minis from?

  2. I second that, these are brilliant!

  3. Good to see ladies who aren't battle-nuns represented on Devos IV! Very nice additions sir.

  4. Good looking ladies, how do they compare to other 40k humans scale wise?

  5. These are from Statuesque Miniatures, IIRC.

    The brushwork here was all by Pirate Viking Painting.

    They match up to 40K scale ok, roughly the same as the Raging Heros minis. Obviously more willowly* than Cadians due to a poorer diet and being realistic.

    *as in 'slender and graceful like a Willow tree'. I've no idea if this translates into Swedish ok (?)

  6. Good looking additions to your Imperial force,I've just worked my way back to 2013 on your blog,fascinating and impressive, although it does mean I appear to have lost a day when I was meant to be doing something else!
    Best Iain

    1. Welcome aboard ! I'm pdf-ing descrete sections, so people may soon be able to grab and go.
