Tuesday 5 September 2023

Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclave 2023

 As you may know, the first day of September each year is when Neverness displays the fruits of the labours of those who had committed, however casually, to producing something for his annual inquisitorial conclave.  So this should follow on from that.  

First up, as the most astute of you will have already noticed, these are not in the mold of your usual inquisitorial warband.  They might once have been, but no longer, they are now given over to the service of the ruinous powers.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the baddies:

The minis here are nearly finished.  I only intend to fill in a few more details on some of them, the deamogog's walking stick, the (un)book carried by one of the acolytes and so on.  They are in the same state of painting as the picts I submitted to Neverness.  

Half of August had passed and then we were off on another family holiday, so unfinished it is.  I can do more when we get home (by the time this is published) but not until then. 


But yes, more baddies for Devos IV.  There are more of the other sort of beligerants as well, but more of them in a few post's time.  There's more of everything, it seems.  Which is a shame as I was trying to stop. 


Weirdos and misfits, the overlooked and poorly educated.  The angry and dispossessed.  Those who cannot any representation in mainstream Imperial life.  All easy pickings for the persuasive voices telling them that it's not their fault, they are not the one's to blame, they are being overlooked and their ways overtaken by disrespectful interlopers.

As you might surmise, the other members of the Dark Commune will form the nuclei of further cells. 


But this is a start.  Chaos undivided sticking it's nose in.  Khorne and Slannesh might notice.


The central character here is the demagogue: she is part of a select coven hunted by the OH.  She is flanked here by two close combat bodyguards with ceremonial flensing knives from the Grox herder enclaves of the northern parire: they've brought their traditional tribal tools to use as weapons in their new religion.  There's also her principal muscle, Xondar, who as you tell from his stature, was once even a giant amongst Space Marines.  Anyway, he's long turned to the ruinous powers and sometimes manages to cause a plague zombie or two to come into being, but he has no real control over this and it's not something to rely on. He has specifically embraced 'death' as a thing, rather than a more specific power.  This could be a mere preference, or perhaps he doesn't really get the whole 'Chaos' thing ? regardless, his chosen weapon, tool, totem and eating utensil is a giant version of the spades used by the grave diggers of the Imperial Necropolis in Xyphonica.  There are three more cultists with a variety of weapons, including Xondar's bolter, which he can no long use, because plot armour.  The last member of this team is Sav.  She is a chaos aligned astropath.  It is likely that the five members of the coven are using her to attract warp entities to Devos IV.


  1. This is just brilliant stuff. I love the whole backstop and how these baddies fit in to the over-all lore if Devos IV.

  2. Absolutely love these! Great background writing to make them your own creations.
