Playing EPIC in 28mm.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Pre-Codex RT era Space Elves


I'm one of those kids all of whose Player Characters were elves.  No matter what gaming system.
So these were my first 40K figures.  Not an "army", not in those days.  Army lists wouldn't appear until the first codices came out. 
These guys were RT BRB space pirates.  So, in keeping with the rules, here's a Space Elf pirate leader with a power fist and bolter.

There wouldn't be Dark Eldar for years.  So I suppose in a way these are proto Ynnari.
This is musician, twin linked keyboards.
This is the woodwind/brass section/choir guy.  WIth a view of the pipework on his back.
And a hand flamer and a sword. 
And this is the string fella, 
And there's a harliquinn dummer too !  We're getting the band back together.
And Space Elf banner bearers. 
Shuriken catapult with space marine style combat accessory.
An actual plasma gun.  Not a star cannon, you'll note, an actual plasma gun.
And a melta gun with a combat accessory.
It's almost as if the pirates nicked the armouries of the victims of their ravages.
Two weapon combos were very popular with the Space Elves.
No, the one on the left does not have a space marine backpack and shoulder blades and is totally not toting an MG42.
Mostly orginial with the exception of the one with a bolter.  You'll note the one in the centre has a power fist and hand flamer.  This is orginal.
Group shot.  These were probably bought and painted (in humbrol enamels) in 1989(ish).  So around 35 years old. 


  1. Now you're speaking Neverness' language!

    I love the drummer!

    1. Yes indeed! I recall most of these models killed the crap out of me in the first dozen or so games of Rogue Trader that my friends and I played. The RT Sustained Fire rules were nasty back then! Ah, the memories....

  2. We're twins. In a wierd, grimdark way.
